Form IV Subjects

Katika somo hili la Kiswahili Kidato cha IV, topiki zifuatazo zitafundishwa

Topiki ya I  : Kuongeza Msamiati wa Kiswahili
Topiki ya II : Ueneaji wa Kiswahili enzi za Waingereza na Baada ya Uhuru
Topiki ya III: Uhakiki wa kazi za fasihi andishi
Topiki ya IV : Kutunga kazi za fasihi andishi
Topiki ya V  : Uandishi
Topiki ya VI : Ufahamu

Course Objectives:

Madhumuni ya somo la Kiswahili kidato cha IV ni:

  • x
  • x
  • x
  • x

Course summary:

This online Form IV Civics Course is aimed at providing as much relevant material as possible for the Civics subject to Form IV students in Tanzania.The content is ordered as per the topics in the Civics syllabus and contains notes for reading,examples (solved problems), exercises, assignments and whenever needed video lectures audio lectures to explain certain topics.

A hardworking student should be able to gain the much needed competency required to be successful on his national examinations.

Topics covered in this Subject:

  1. Culture
  2. Globalization
Course Objectives:

By the end of  a Form Four Civics course a student should be able to:

  1. Apply life skills in real life situations.
  2. Show an understanding and appreciation of national cultural values.
  3. Show an understanding of globalisation issues and ability to alleviate their negative effects at personal level.

In this subject you will learn about:

  • Crisis in the Capitalist System
  • Nationalism And Decolonization
  • Changes In Political, Social And Economic Policies In Africa After Independence
  • Africa In International Affairs

Course Objectives:

Course objectives coming

The following topics will be covered in this course

  1. Waves
  2. Electromagnetism
  3. Radioactivity
  4. Thermionic Emission
  5. Electronic
  6. Elementary Astronomy
  7. Geophysics

Course Objectives:

Course Objectives coming ....

This course / subject covers the following topics:

Topic 1 - Coordinate Geometry
Topic 2 - Areas and Volumes
Topic 3 - Probability
Topic 4 - Trigonometry
Topic 5 - Vectors
Topic 6 - Three Dimensional Geometry
Topic 7 - Matrices and Transformations
Topic 8 - Linear Programming

Course Objectives:

Objectives of Teaching Mathematics in Form IV

After completing form Four, pupils are supposed to be able to:  

  • Form an equation of a line, calculate distance between two points and do problems on parallel and perpendicular lines in two dimensional geometry.
  • Derive and apply the formulas for areas and volumes of geometrical figures.
  • Calculate the probability on an event and perform simple combination of probabilities.
  • Draw graphs of simple trigonometrical functions and apply sine and cosine rules to solve problems.
  • Find the sum, difference and scalar multiplication of vectors and hence use the   knowledge to solve practical problems.
  • Draw three-dimensional figures using oblique projections.
  • Find the angle between a line  an a plane, and between two [lanes in 3 – dimensional geometry.
  • Use 2 x 2 matrices to solve simultaneously equations and apply  matrix transformations in reflections, rotations, translations and enlargements.
  • Apply the knowledge of linear programming  in solving simple real life problems